Friday, April 16, 2010

Fishing in My Back Yard

So I went fishing with the family today after we all got home from work and school. We bought the boys some little Spiderman fishing poles during Spring Break so we could actually make use of our back yard (considering we are right on the lake). Needless to say the boys got bored and went bike riding while I stayed behind to enjoy the peace and quiet rhythm of casting and reeling. Needless to say I ended up catching two fish!!!!! I'm so proud!!!! I haven't been fishing since I was a little girl with my Grandpa Smith on Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs. It brought back some good memories! My boys thought it was awesome that their mom caught the fish...the only girl in the house!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Days!

These are the memories that I will always cherish...I pray my children will remember these into their adult years...such fun times! Thanks mom and dad for hanging on to that sled from when we were kids...I bet you never thought we'd use that thing again...You are leaving a legacy! If I can be at least half the parents that you all were to me, I might turn out ok afterall! You all are the best! Thanks for leaving so many good memories with me...and yes...I have many wonderful memories to share! I love you all!